The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop and practice communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.
We are proud to present you, the EXCO members of the club..
President : Toastmaster Tan Chong Teck
Vice President Education : Toastmaster Allison Siew
Vice President Membership : Toastmaster Sam Koay
Vice President Public Relation : Toastmaster Cindy Yeoh
Secretary : Toastmaster Dylan Yeoh
Treasurer : Toastmaster Joanne Tan
Sargeant At Arm : Toastmaster Henry Mah
Excellent introduction to Gurney Toastmasters and we know where to go ( it's at Gurney Hotel) to practise our 'gift of the gap'; but if we want to see faces we'd need to be there in person. There are interesting and enigmatic personalities in the dark ( in case your PC shows the same darkened pix that I see on mine).
Haha.. Yea, I agree with the picture.. it's kinda dark eh? Why is that so? Joanne maybe you can do some photo edit to adjust the contrast and brightness of the pic.. Anyway, good job after all! You'd indeed done a great job here!
We shall move along and keep it up together!
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