Friday, April 3, 2009

Division S International Speech and Table Topic Contest 2009

After several undefeated challenges from Club contest to Area then it is the time for Division Contest!

Every contestant in this contest is already winners! Some won the mind of the judges, some won the hearts of their admirers, some won the attention of the girls and others that were present, took home something priceless - the experience!

Division S International Speech and Table Topic Contest 2009 was held in Penang Adventist Hospital's Nursing College Hall. And mind you, it was so packed that the hospital might even consider to extend the hall!! :)

Both contest was participated by Champions of each Area, in total 7 Areas in Division S. That means, each contestants will need to face their competitors from 7 different background and experiences!

Gurney Toastmasters Club was representated by the President, Joanne Tan, who won the Area S3 Table Topic Contest and was the 1st Runner Up for the International Speech Contest. She represented the Area S3 to compete in the Table Topic contest, and mind you! It was a real tough topic!

"A Word A Day, You Will Learn A Whole Dictionary Someday" Do you agree on the idea, and why?

Stood tall with nothing but butterflies and words...flabbergasted with the topic, she carried on by saying that Toastmasters programme is already a dictionary itself! With every meeting's "Word Of The Day", it sure has helped her through many speechless moments. And eventhough a dictionary is worth a great study, but a teacher would worth more than what she needs. And she quoted her friend from US, Mr Solomon Olin, a tourist who was a great teacher to her throughout his 2 months, as he stayed in Penang, he taught her the meaning of being a human and how to be successful in mind, body and soul. Her last sentence was "It is never easy to learn a dictionary, but it was never easy to learn to be a meaningful human being. Thanks to the dictionary for the words and meanings, but thanks to people we meet for their guidance and great moments shared, priceless!"

Our Winner, the Division S' 1st Runner Up in Division S Table Topic Contest 2009.

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